Almighty Blade is a proof of concept for a sword fighting VR game across the multiverse.

In this game, the player has to learn sword combos to deal more damages.
Those will be activated by touching certain body parts of the enemies in a particular order.
In order to become effective in activating the combos every time, the player would have to train with virtual dummies before venturing inside of dangerous dungeons.

Shooting games cause little immersion breaking troubles in virtual reality, and have been done many times.
But melee combat is more tricky, since nothing stops your real arm when your blade hits a virtual shield.
Teams working on such projects have tried to find different solutions, such as blocking the virtual hand or using lightsabers which penetrate every materials like butter.
Almighty Blade experiments with blades that deactivate themselves when blocked and reactivate right after.

The multiverse setting chosen here would allow the player to borrow items from any era and bring them where they would be more convenient. In the end it would result in knights carrying anachronous items from science fiction or medieval settings.
Almighty Blade

Almighty Blade
