Two Way Baby Monitor EVP Ghosts Or Interference
EVPs And Baby Monitors: Ghosts or Just Interference?

A one and two way baby monitor is a device that helps parents keep tabs on their babies even though they are not are not in the same room. But what if baby monitor transmitters pick up more than they are supposed to? It has been the topic of some discussion that audio baby monitors pick up more than just sounds coming from the baby or even other wireless devices. Some parents tell stories of their baby monitors picking up an EVP. You may hear about this at some point or may even experience it for yourself so I thought I'd tell you about it here so you can be prepared.

What is an EVP?
EVP is short for the term Electronic Voice Phenomenon. EVPs pertain to sounds or voices that are allegedly coming from "the other side". In the world of the ghost hunters, EVPs are voice recordings that are sent by ghosts or souls that have not moved on. These are sometimes used to prove that there really is life after death.

While some ghost hunters use sophisticated gadgets and devices to hunt down ghost phenomenon, there are those who use baby monitors. Baby monitors are good for this kind of activities since they are very sensitive to sounds.

Baby Monitors and Interference
Baby monitors can either be wired and wireless. Both types of devices have their own advantages and disadvantages but wireless devices tend to pick up interference. Interference can be in the form of intercepted voices from other wireless devices such as wireless phones or simply static which can sound muffled or on occasion quite clear. To my mind this is the likely cause of the claimed EVP's. However the debate still rages.

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baby monitor


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