Performance 2019
People are being born into a complex structure, in which they intuitively define themselves as an individual or as a part of a nation. In our video performance we’ve used four letters characteristic for Christian heritage in Europe: INRI - Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum. World has became a global place with growing social structures but with variety of identities with different cultural heritage. We’ve used the sides of a blackboard as a symbol of schools and educational system which is supposed to lead to open-minded and tolerant society, and not to push diversity in a position where it has to adapt. By holding those we interpret our own responsibility in communication with the younger generation; lead them to be objective in selection and choose the right informational sources. Facing the camera is being used as a metaphor for facing changes; trying not to stay in predefined order, but actively considering new approaches in science, technology and sociology. That’s why we have changed the initial meaning of ‘INRI’ to a new interpretation which defines current social themes more accurately - INTERPRETATION of the NATIONAL REALITY by the  INVESTIGATION.
100 reasons to shape the views of younger generations.



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