nada gamal's profile

Slow living poster and illustration series

Slow living poster series
I designed and made the illustrations of Slow living poster series for Cooklife cafe and magazine  located in Balat area in Istanbul, Turkey, the series was based on the concept of ''slow life'' and the culture of slow food movement and slow flowers. In our world today everything is going on a fast pace, fast food, fast money and fast living, so everyone runs around speeding and trying to keep up with the rest of the world, slow living is all about taking a step back and taking a deep breath and living in a slower base and and taking a slower approach to the aspects of everyday life.

a picture from Cooklife cafe 
1. Slow life poster
What represents slow life better than a sloth ? yes we need to work to get things done but  we also  need to take a break and get out of the chaotic fast cycle of life from time to time to see life from a wider perspective and to be more mindful and become able to enjoy life.
2. Slow food poster
Slow food organization was founded in 1986 by Carlo Petrini in Italy, the movement and the organization promote local food and traditional cooking  and tries to prevent the disappearance of local food culture which connects origins, plate, people, politics and culture together. The movement is a way of standing against the culture of fast food. 
3. Slow flower poster
With the same concept of slow food movement, many other movement started to come to light and one of those movements is slow flower movement, the movement tries to restore the connection between humans and flowers in the modern era and supports local farmers and seasonal local flowers, promoting the authentic full of character blooms.
4. Balat poster
Balat is one of the most authentic neighborhood in Istanbul, Balat's narrow cobbled streets,
old colorful houses, galleries, old-school grocers and rich history make it a home for slow 
and traditional life where you can experience the calm slow pace of life.
Posters making process 
After making the designs and the illustrations the posters were printed with letterpress printing technique with the old traditional way by yulabaski who uses a hand pulled antique printing press and handmade paper, she also did all the carving works on wood blocks.
the project description in Turkish
place: Cooklife cafe 
Slow living poster and illustration series

Slow living poster and illustration series
