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Voices For Children Foundation Campaign

Voices For Children Foundation Campaign 
Raise awareness that leads to donations amongst Gen Xers on the Voices for Children Foundation and the importance their guardians have in a foster child’s life. 

Gen Xers between the ages of 40-54 who are financially stable, value the balance between work and life, are individualistic and are comfortable with technology. They also worry about the future generations and are predisposed to helping children in need in the Miami-Dade County area. 

Using an emotional appeal and the slogan “Help make theirs a good one” we will capture the attention of Gen Xers who care about future generations and are always looking for ways to help their community, and push them to donate to Voices for Children. 

Partner with school or local park and host a fundraiser in which Guardian Ad Litem’s will be present with their foster children speaking to attendees about the program and giving their testimonies. Attendees will be able to come with their children and have fun with different attractions like games, small carnival rides, and activities. All funds received will go toward the foundation and attendees will also be able to donate their desired amount. 
Roll out interactive Facebook ads that show the impact a Guardian Ad Litem has on the life of a foster child. Ads will show through a guardian’s perspective and how the child’s life changes with them present. Video will go from black and white to full color once the “guardian” is fully present in the child’s life. At the end of the video different ways a viewer can donate will appear and based on the persons geo-location the fundraiser day and place will be announced.
In our video we will show kids that are abandoned and abused that finally speak from their hearts. We will provide information about how they can donate. 

“Help make theirs a good one” 

Voices For Children Foundation Campaign

Voices For Children Foundation Campaign
