Simple does not mean bad, but simple can have many meanings and meanings in it. Therefore many people like the simple style but also elegant and I also love it.
The way I show that simple is cool is to make designs that have that character.
iNote, is a logo that I think is fitting to describe our daily activities by summarizing it into a historical record for ourselves, or a diary of our lives. The letter i is written small because it symbolizes that we are only a small person. But NOTE is written in capital letters because it is still a big story of our journey to continue to write, with the aim that we know that in the world outside there are many things we can do and then we capture with writing, and that's iNOTE.

iNote Logo Design

iNote Logo Design

The letter i is written small because it symbolizes that we are only a small person. But NOTE is written in capital letters because it is still a Read More
