Mathias Hangartner's profile

A Village in the Mountains

A Village in the Mountains is an interactive narrative game inspired by the novels of the swiss writer Charles Ferdinand Ramuz. You play a newly ordained priest who has recently arrived in a small village in the Swiss Alps. Its inhabitants are in shock due to the recent disappearance of a young boy. You will be in charge of investigating the case and pay attention of which secrets shall you reveal ? And which secrets should remain buried deep in the mountains.

Vous incarnerez un prêtre fraîchement ordonné qui débarque dans un mystérieux village suisse. Vous serez alors chargés de mener une enquête tout en veillant à ne pas froisser certains habitants du village qui préféraient, sans doute, qu’on laisse leurs secrets profondément enfouis dans la montagne…

Thanks: Edric Douglas Stanley, Alexia Matthieu, Camille Scherrer, Pierre Rossel, Eloïse Marcé & Megan Bonfils
Exhibitions: Numerik Games 2019, KIKK Festival 2019
A Village in the Mountains

A Village in the Mountains

A Village in the Mountains is an interactive narrative game inspired by the novels of the swiss writer Charles Ferdinand Ramuz. You play a newly Read More
