An introduction to an instrument of medication and/or war. The pill cutter is in focus while pills and bottles are out of focus in the background. There are various lines and shapes present in the clear cutter itself. 
A few solitary pills prepared for the fight. There is strong focus on the red pill while others lay out of focus in the background and foreground. 
The pills by themselves may not seem like many until you realize there is a whole army supporting them on the sidelines. This time most of the pills are in focus in the background while a couple bottles are out of focus in the foreground. The perspective increases the size difference between the pills and bottles.  
A warrior beholds and tries to make sense of the battle before her. Perspective is again at play, as well as position. The woman stands centered to the bottles, pills, and cutter while the camera position puts us on the level of the table looking up. 
The scope of the battle and larger war is understood and has a name. This gives a slight one-point perspective for the medicine bag. 
An attempt at humor somewhat subliminally shown on the t-shirt during a different dose of medicine. This creates a flat space due to the bedside tables, bed, and position of the woman. Without the woman, I would consider this a one-point perspective. 
Having recently lowered the dose of a medicated patch, it becomes necessary to cut it in half. This shows the woman’s hands and the bedside table as a longitudinal plane due to the camera being raised and tilted downward. 
Side effects of the medication, such as shakiness, can make cutting, peeling, and taking medication difficult, but the alternative would be not being able to move. This uses another longitudinal plane, this time with the camera lowered and tilted upward. The main focus is the woman’s face. 
A new patch is placed next to the mark left from the old one while the effects of war are further shown by a surgical scar and the shape of a battery under the skin on the other side of the abdomen. This gives a one-point perspective as well as outlines the shapes of the battery and patch. 
Cruel Necessity. This image sums up the entire story. A single hand is in focus in the center of the image emphasizing the shape of the pills in the hand. 



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