Product: Original designed sleek & soft-touch Notenclutch is a hands-free organizer for stylish Creatives and Travel Girls on the go! They also have a quick access to things that help creative people to draw, write, sketch and taking photos!
Illustrations: Through my illustrations i achieved to draw art that conveys exactly what's it's used for by showing female writing, reading and sketching. The whole message is based around supporting education and talent in women!

Why Notenclutch? Cause you need quick and easy access to daily life’s essentials. Plus {PPP}, Packing light, Pad & Pen is life.

Perfect for: Travel Girls | Creatives on the go | Teens | Night Out

Versatile: Hook it on, clutch it, crossbody, belted or shoulder bag. Girls love options, don’t we?​​​​​​​


Notenclutch belt bag organizers are made for creatives that travel around and want to be hand-free. They also have a quick access to things that Read More
