An Afrikaans Braai - Conceptual Interpretation

What is an Afrikaans braai? An Afrikaans braai is more than just braai meat, a half drum braai and some brandy and coke. It’s about the different tastes we experience at the braai; the meat, the extra baked goods, the desserts, whether it’s braaied or made in the oven,  it is bound to give you something more  than just and ordinary braai experience. 
Learn something new about the afrikaans way of life. 

Not complete yet. I want to draw some more and eventually make this into a fun cookbook, activity book, colouring book and an informative book. I hope you guy enjoy. Any comments on things I should work on or tips I could use feel free to comment. 
An Afrikaans Braai

An Afrikaans Braai
