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Photo-Realistic Watch Design

Photo-realistic Vector Project: The Watch Project
By: Jentrie Stastny
In creating this watch, the concept (and my goal) was to create a photo-realistic vector replica of an image. I wanted to effectively mimic the shine in metal through using different colors, gradients, and shapes. Throughout the process, I wanted to change my way of thinking and be able to see the different shapes that work to make an image. 

Sketching for this project was less about coming up with an idea, since I was recreating a watch. Sketching was more about practicing showing light reflecting off of glass and metal. I also was able to work through a few different ideas of watch bands. While sketching, I already had a watch in mind to recreate so I was able to channel my energy towards preparing to create this watch.
The Work in Progress:
This project took more than a few hours to create. In addition to that, it took multiple tries with a variety of different tools to create the affects I wanted to have in the final product. 
The watch face above was my first draft. I was working on the shine in the metal and feel like I did a decent job at recreating that shine. That being said, I was able to fix the shine further in the final. After this draft I changed the hands of the watch and started creating the watch band. Below you can see my second draft side-by-side with the reference image. 
After this draft, I worked to make the watch brackets look more three-dimensional, with shading. After this, I also added a bit of a glare to the glass, I changed some of the side shadows, and added depth to the name "Bellfield" written in the watch face. The reference photo shows the second hand very close to the seventh hour mark, but I decided to move the second hand to avoid an unnecessary tangent in the design. I worked on the knob to make it more realistic.

In addition to these changes, I knew I needed to work with the watch bands to make them look less digital, by adding texture and changing the shape to be more like the reference photo. Below is the texture that I took and masked to the watch band to give it the final textured look I decided on.
Final Product:
After many hours, many alterations, and a lot of experimentation, I finished the project with the image below. To the left is the reference photo, and on the right is the vector replication that I created.
In terms of objective, I was most definitely able to achieve my goal of changing the way I view things to see shapes. My mind may never be the same. I am amazed at how many different shapes are included to create this product. The objective of creating a photo-realistic vector was accomplished to the best of my ability. Yes, there are differences between the vector and reference photo, but ultimately my vector looks realistic. 
Photo-Realistic Watch Design

Photo-Realistic Watch Design
