'Malakos' meaning 'soft' is the Green word from where malachite has been derived, but even though physically it isn't the hardest of stones, its powers make it one of the strongest - Malachite for Sale
With an awe-inspiring history of over 3800 years, when Malachite was first mined in the Great Orme Mines of Britain, there is more to Malachite than meets the eye. It was also mined centuries ago in caves of Israel. Since time immemorial, Malachite Gemstone has caught the attention of the human eye owing to its uniquely fresh, earthy and yet luxurious look.
Huge deposits of the brilliantly green rock are found in the Urals, Russia, followed by several other countries like the  Democratic Republic of the Congo; Gabon; Zambia;  Namibia; Mexico; New South Wales;  France;  Israel; and the Southwestern United States, most notably in Arizona.
It has always and very widely been used as a pigment in green paints since an exceptionally long time, almost until the nineteenth century.
From ancient times, it has been worn as a tiny locket on every child, believed to ward off evil spirits and keep the adorned healthy. The Egyptians wore Malachite as a talisman owing to their protective abilities.
It is opaque - translucent and invariably of the many hues on a greenish color spectrum.
It also happens to be one of the first ores of copper to be mined. It is a secondary mineral of copper that is it is usually formed by lime reacting with copper oxides.  It does not yield a huge quantity of copper, though. Thus, even though once it was extensively mined for copper, now better yielding ores are used and malachite is preserved for its use as a powerful and beautiful stone.
The vibrant green, polished luster and the very many patterns make it a beautiful Gemstone, worth collecting and definitely inviting fascination. It looks elegant and gorgeous at the same time.




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