Nlve - “Tired”

In Nlve's newest single "Tired," Finger and Toe explores the cascading depths of mental illness and anxiety as our main character struggles with sleepless nights.

在NIve的最新單曲“Tired”MV中,Finger and Toe藉由主角與他半夢半醒的夜晚,那些焦慮與幻想成為了他歌曲的養分,直到黎明這些聲音才慢慢安靜下來。
Label | 153 Entertainment Group
Artist | NIve
Production Company | LUCKYSPARKS
Director | Finger and Toe
Executive Producer | Isaac Li
Creative Director | Finger and Toe
Producer | 吳珮瑜 Sunny Wu
Animation Director | Finger and Toe
Storyboard | 張超傑 Super Dog
Designer | 張超傑 Super Dog / 許芳瑜 Fang-Yu Hsu / HsiaoMin Lin 
Cel Animator | 張超傑 Super Dog / 賴曼琳 
Peter Mann

Peter Mann / 王蔚 wei / 吳珮瑜 Sunny Wu
3D Animation | 陳奇逸 ChiGer Chen / 林貫洋 Guan Lin
Compositing | 陳奇逸 ChiGer Chen
Story Board
Style Frame
Animation Breakdown
Nlve - “Tired”