Midterms Plate

The concept in the form of this pavilion is a spiderweb. It creates an illusion of being in a spider's point of view. This installation of a pavilion serves as a resting place like a spider's home. I put up curved lines in order to make it feel like a smooth flow and at the same time spiderwebs are not in a line form. Senses that you could use here is the sense of sight and touch. It is covered with yarn as to represent a smooth material that the people can lie down or sit and think or reflect and imagine freely. Elements of design are also present here such as Point, Line, Form and Space. This form consists also of Design Principles namely, unity, rhythm, hierarchy, emphasis, and contrast. Unity because all the lines work together to make an aesthetically appealing structure. Rhythm because this structure gives a sense of movement when viewed, throughs some angles it can be viewed as an optical illusion. Hierarchy because each line starts from the bottom rising up, which in itself represent a hierarchal chain. Emphasis because of the way the light hits the strings. It makes you focus on those bright points because it appears to have a spotlight shining on it. Lastly, contrast because of how the lights hits each part. Specifically the different contrasts of the paper and and the ribbon. The ribbon is brighter, while the paper appears to be seen as a shadow or secondary focus. 
Midterms plate

Midterms plate


Creative Fields