Taking up the official brief of future lions, I had to create a product or service in collaboration with a famous brand that used a technology no older than 3 years.
A careful eye during your meals

The cases of food intolerances are increasingly on the rise and even today not all restaurants specify the presence of all the ingredients used in their dishes.
A low percentage of food activities provide special menus for intolerant people.
However, it would always be better to specify each ingredient used, in all the menus.
Free From, is an app in collaboration with Google, which uses the new technology introduced in 2017, google Lens, to recognize if the dish in front of us contains food that you can not eat.
But how does Free From work?
You can capture the dish in front of you and google will compare the image with all the photos’ recipes on the internet. This would confirm if usually are used possible food allergens for that recipe.
If there is the possibility of the presence of an allergen you can ask for confirmation at the restaurant for greater security.
Free From

Free From

Progetto scolastico basato sul brief di Future Lions. L'idea è stata di creare un'app che, attraverso la tecnologia di Google Lens, riconosce la Read More
