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Fundraiser Bake Sale Poster

Fundraiser Bake Sale Poster
This fundraiser bake sale is to help providing clean water for Flint, Michigan. I decided to recreate my bake sale poster since I am not satisfy with it. Everything on this poster is fictional, if it's real, its purely coincidental. Feedback and critics are greatly appreciated!
Sketch for the poster, including the sketch of the cupcake. Based on the sketch, I'm trying to design the correlation between the baking sales and the water crisis.
The final design of the cupcake. I decided to put more than 1 shade of blue to create a more interesting design. I also add drops of water on the top to strengthen the water symbol.
The final design of the poster. Every font is a different shade of blue in order to create a more interesting design choice.
The mock up edit
Fundraiser Bake Sale Poster

Fundraiser Bake Sale Poster

Fundraiser bake sale poster redesign
