Category: UX/UI, Brand Identity

Brief: Re-Brand Craigslist to update its look and feel for UX/UI

Challenge: Keep the successful peer-to-peer experience of Craigslist.

Thinking: Our team chose to update the look and feel of Craigslist with a specific app yet keep it simple and stay true to the core message “Don’t get in the way of our users”. 

Solution: The existing Craigslist experience had an overly busy design with too much text, a lack of hierarchy, unclear buttons, and too many steps for the user to go through. For user experience, we eliminated a lot of redundancies with the use of simple category groupings, a hashtag system, and less email notifications 
for confirmation. 

For design we updated the typeface and fonts used. We chose a green logo to symbolize making money and deals as well as the environmental aspects of buying pre-owned items.

My Role: Concepts, Sketches, User Journey, Seller Profile, Logo Design, UX/UI Design, and Mockups

Credits: Group work included research, colour choice, and header design (Ella Kosovic, Catalina Valenzuela).

Purpose: Student Work

Tools: Research Questionaire, Online Articles, 
Adobe Illustrator, XD, Photoshop
Craigslist UX/UI

Craigslist UX/UI
