Trisha Jiyeon Kim's profile

Lunar New Year Poster

2019 Happy New Lunar Year Poster 
In Eastern, the time is circular system compare to western system. While the western has straight linear system -such as century is 100 years- Eastern culture has 60 pairs of name of the year combined with 10 of sky components (天干), and 12 of land components (地支). So an year is always coming back in every 60 years.

2019 is the year of golden pig - 己亥年. The 己(ki) means land, yellow, and 亥(hae) means pig. And usually the yellow implies gold, wealth. Also yellow means being in the middle, adjusting, compromising of positive(+, red-fire) and negative(-,blue-water) energies - 中氣

To celebrate the lunar new year with the rich history of our society with its meaning behind it, the poster has already got the material to use - land, pig, and gold by mixed it well together.

Rather than drawing the pig, their bodies was put behind the mountain, and used the typography method to be able to read - happy new pig year in Korean (돼지복많이)
and I'm looking forward to 2020's lunar new year...
Lunar New Year Poster

Lunar New Year Poster

Lunar New Year 2019 Poster
