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Things to Know Before Undergoing Lip Augmentation

Things to Know Before Undergoing Lip Augmentation
Lip fillers are one of the hottest beauty treatments in today's times. Let us know about the things you should know before having lip augmentation:

Research the doctor: The most important thing on the list. An inexperienced doctor at your helm is one sure-shot way to a messed up lip augmentation. Way too much filler, fillers in wrong areas can make your lips look uneven. Read the reviews, study their procedures, and make sure they are certified. A doctor must know exactly what you want and he/she must ensure that your smile remains in balance and your look authentic.

Take it easy: You can always get a filler top-up. When you take it slow, you avoid overly filled lips that might look disappointing. Some surgeons allows the usage of half a syringe and the other half after a couple of weeks.

You need to be sure of the size you want: Think long and hard of what you want with your lips. You must not feel after the procedure that your money was wasted or that lips haven’t changed enough or changed too much. Communication is the key here. If you want juicier lip, the filler is inserted directly into your lips, but in case you want something natural, the filler is inserted only on the rim of your lips.

Before your appointment: Do not take any aspirin, anti-inflammatories, fish oil, multivitamins or vitamin E. Each of these medications thins your blood and can cause major bruising. Also, it is in your best interest to avoid alcohol or caffeine a day before and a day after your appointment to help with your swelling.

Choose the type and quantity of filler you want: Ten years ago, the only filler on offer was collagen. But today, there are loads of variations to it. The most common type is hyaluronic acid fillers like Restylane and Juvederm, which are highly recommended. Juvederm is good for a plump pout. Juvederm is the newer variation of Hyaluronic acid filler. Use Restylane for a more natural look. The usual quantity of filler per session is one syringe that translates to normally 1 ml. If you want a really bigger lip augmentation effect, you would need to go up twice or thrice from the standard quantity.

Thus, lip augmentation can give a good addition to your lips. But you must know what you are going for.
Things to Know Before Undergoing Lip Augmentation

Things to Know Before Undergoing Lip Augmentation

Lip augmentation can give a good addition to your lips. But you must know what you are going for.


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