SlantedMagazine #34-Europe
NEUROPE ★   ​​​​​​​ 
#34 issue of Slanted is focused on the European Union with its 28 member states in 2019 facing difficult times: financial crisis, refugees, loss of allies, and exit scenarios—as implemented by the UК— leading to fear and insecurity. Above all, we are also witnessing how the digital revolution is creating a new image of mankind. The technical possibilities are about to go beyond what is politically and morally imperative. This issue's topic is focused on Europe as a plea for a multi-faceted and vibrant Europe, against the backdrop of an Europe of nations, right-wing populism, and selfish politics. It is an inventory of Europe, showing a comment, a perspective, a feeling of illustrators, photographers, writers. Check the issue here.  

Everywhere we are witnessing a high increase of right wing politics, defensive nationalism, uncertainty and speech of hate. We were invited to give our read on the topic. 
Our entry is a poster depicting the EU grinder as a metaphor that represents one of the factors that divides Europe and threatens the liberal democracy - National Populism, unifying by intent but actually disconnecting and alienating. We found inspiration in Matthew Goodwin's book called National Populism: The Revolt Against Liberal DemocracyMore and more we get divided by walls, borders, race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs and now is the time that we have to show our act of rehumanisation. 

Design & Creative Direction: Atanas Giew
Client service: Venelina Miteva
