Dan Toth's profile

Q-tips Student Work

Q-tips Student Work

: Q-tips

Student work from Creative Strategies of Advertising class at the University of South Carolina.
Copy reads "Scented candles. With names like Elegant Breeze and Lavender Elation, who could resist buying three of every fragrance? The only problem is, the wicks on ‘em burn down and burrow into the wax like they’re trying to get away. Any attempts to finagle a lighter down there will surely result in a scorched digit. And who has matches these days? This is where Q-tips come in. Dip an end in some rubbing alcohol and torch to your desire. Now you’ve got the perfect tool to light any hard-to-reach wick. Ah, the sweet smell of victory."
Sign on the post reads "Here's a tip: Use Q-tips cotton swabs to clean dusty air vents, grimy window creases and anything else in between. Q-tips. Two ends, endless uses."
This piece was inspired by BBC World's "See Both Sides of the Story" billboards.
Q-tips Student Work

Q-tips Student Work

Student work. Q-tips ads.


Creative Fields