Simple Life is an event branding project. It uses bold, rustic typography and vintage colors to attract fathers and sons to go on this incredible backpacking adventure in Colorado in order to possibly try something new, grow in their relationship with one another, and re-spark that innate desire for adventure.
Part of my design process involves sketching prior to doing anything on the computer. Upon researching the target audience, the subject matter, the competition, and similar projects that might be useful in guiding the project, I start the idea generating process.
After examining pages of sketches such as these, I narrow down the focus and select top choices to create digital iterations. From there, the product is further refined until the final solution is achieved, as shown below. 
I chose to incorporate t-shirts and the carabiner mug into the event's merchandise not only because these items are practical and well-liked by the target audience, but they also are useful and practical for having during the time of the event as well as effective marketing tools should the brand be extended into additional events.
Simple Life


Simple Life

Simple Life is a father-son backpacking getaway adventure. This project includes the branding and promotional materials for the week long event.
