With every action, consequently there is a reaction.  And the ways in which human beings interact with their environment can yeild many different geological results depending on specific location and intention.  
As a result there is a layering that occurs within this struggle between nature and man by a means of construction, deconstruction, and reconstruction as well as within my method of shooting by a means of multiple- 
exposures (2-5 exp).
To better understand the relationship of man, nature, and each of these locations, I have concentrated on constructing a more accurate reality of what the area "truly" looks like with multiple viewpoints.  What do these places say about human beings and our separation from nature and how does site specificity affect this relationship?
Unfortunately, human beings lack an equilibrium with the surrounding environment.  This work is a reflection of ourselves and the price we pay for this "constructed reality."


pres·ence /ˈprezəns/ Noun: The state or fact of existing, occurring, or being present in a place or thing. A person or thing that exists or is pr Read More
