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Helpphill Pain Reliever Labels

pain reliver labels

Helpphill are a brand that want to make pain relievers easy to understand and recognisable, while staying within a smart aesthetic. I have created a recognisable graphic for each pain reliever, each one depicts the symptoms. Dizzy and slightly painful to look at for headache, gradual dot build up for fever, wavy water lines for hay fever. The colours also reflect the symptoms. Using a minimal grid helps the consumer identify important information.

On the top of each bottle there is the same graphic of the symptoms. This makes the bottle design cohesive and easier for the consumer to understand the product from the top view. 

The typography that was chosen were all smart and clean serif fonts to promote a serious product. The layout has been made minimal and placed into a grid to help the consumer find the important information. The symbols are abstract approach on the symptoms but are still recognisable. 

Picking the three primary colours of light meant that the bottles are familiar, they are dark to promote a smart product.

The back of the bottles are in an easy to read and understand table that is broken up to create fast reading content. The necessary information about health concerns has been typeset to not be the main point of attention but still easy to read and understand.

Helpphill Pain Reliever Labels

Helpphill Pain Reliever Labels
