gianluca piovesan's profileMariano Monea's profile


This is a four hands photographic book developed implementing a beta methodology
which involves content creation and an editorial process mixing different fields. 
This thesis project comes from the alimentary interest towards the petrifaction of bread.
The metaphorical relationship with geophagia is the synthesis between the morphological
characteristics of the food and a material intervention that bases its roots in the dough.
Browsing the first part of the book you'll find different type of paper and transparencies,
that generate a poetic and, at the same time, a political imaginary. The second part 
is composed of still life sculptures, made by the petrification process of the bread.
GeophagiaMariano Monea

MA Thesis in Photography for cultural 
heritage at ISIA Urbino, Italy, 2019

Tutoring: Alessandro Carrer, Matteo Guidi
Editorial Project: Gianluca Piovesan
Format: 200x260mm
Number of pages: 252​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Questo progetto di tesi nasce dall’interesse alimentare nei confronti della pietrificazione del pane. La relazione metaforica con la geophagia è Read More
