Donating money can be somewhat difficult. You know it would be the right thing to do but somehow you lack motivation...
So as we all know the rainforest is burning which is pretty much a disaster for everybody, including you!
So I am offering for everyone who is donating some money an artwork of mine to download. You will feel good, do something good and you get a new artwork. Win win. It's perfect as a wallpaper for your phone or to put as a poster on the wall.
Just send me a pm with some proof of donation and I will send you a file.
So maybe you can check out or
Maybe that motivates someone. <3
And also: boycott beef. 🐮
Every donation towards freeing the ocean from plastic is also appreciated.
Art for donation

Art for donation

🌳🔥🔥😔 Donating money can be somewhat difficult. You know it would be the right thing to do but somehow you lack motivation... So I am offering for Read More
