I started this when Diablo 3 was about to come out. Blizzard had this fan art contest, so I decided to try and make something. Didn't finish in time, but was anyway happy with the outcome, which was this pencil version:
About a month ago I started painting over the pencil sketch with photoshop. Not really following much method, just trying out techniques and practicing with my Wacom.  This is the process of my work, kinda messy and very time consumming compared with other techniques. 
Instead of painting the whole piece with basic lights and shadows, and then adding detail, I worked the separate areas individually, from scratch to detail, then move on to another area. Very time consumming and probably won't work a whole piece like this again. Still, Im happy with the results. 
I think the background might need some more work, but well, I kinda wanted to get started with something else.
Finished work:


Personal project. Fan art of Diablo 3's Barbarian.
