During my Internship at Landor, I was briefed to create a series of entries that would incorporate the initials, ‘BX’. Serving as an abbreviation to, ‘Brand Experience’, the fundamental goal was to encourage each designer to create their own interpretations of the phrase.

Contributing to a collaborative feed on Landor’s Instagram profile, this would incorporate a similar structure to the #36daysoftype trend. With that in mind, my design concept looks at the implementation of Landor’s key brand pillars, and how they react as visual expressions. 

Design / Direction: Chris Edwards 
Disciplines: Typography, Animation, Experimental
Project Type: Internship
Year: 2019

Landor BX

Landor BX

During my Internship at Landor, I was briefed to create a series of entries that would incorporate the initials, ‘BX’. Serving as an abbreviation Read More
