If I Should Die
By Emily Dickinson

If I should die,
And you should live,
And time should gurgle on,
And morn should beam,
And noon should burn,
As it has usual done;
If birds should build as early,
And bees as bustling go, --
One might depart at option
From enterprise below!
‘T is sweet to know that stocks will stand
When we with daisies lie,
That commerce will continue,
And trades as briskly fly.
It makes the parting tranquil
And keeps the soul serene,
That gentlemen so sprightly
Conduct the pleasing scene!
Circus in Three Rings
By Silvia Plath

In the circus tent of a hurricane
designed by a drunken god
my extravagant heart blows up again
in a rampage of champagne-colored rain
and the fragments whir like a weather vane
while the angels all applaud.

Daring as death and debonair
I invade my lion’s den;
arose of jeopardy flames in my hair
yet I flourish my whip with a fatal flair
defending my perilous wounds with a chair
while the gnawing’s of love begin.

Mocking as Mephistopheles,
eclipsed by magician’s disguise,
my demon of doom tilts on a trapeze,
winged rabbits revolving about his knees,
only to vanish with devilish ease
in a smoke that sears my eyes.
Comfort Zone 
By Sarah Orio

Going out, exploring new places
Is something I’ve always feared,
For staying at home, and being alone
Gives a satisfying feeling.

Why should I try,
If I know I will just fail.
Even when being told I’m good and can succeed,
How much worth does that hold if I do not believe?

Why does one think they need to be surrounded by all these faces?
And still retain the feeling of isolation.
Why should I pretend to care,
To only be included?

When there is much more comfort
In the silence of my own music.

The illustrations as they were exhibited.
Screen Printing Process
Poetic Melancholy

Poetic Melancholy

This was my final major project for my Graduate Diploma in Art and Design. I focused depression and how it affects people. I then found that one Read More
