Concepcion Salazar's profile

pms sans: Type Specimen Poster

The objective of this project is to create a typeface using found objects and applying it to a second piece. For my typeface I used: tampons, cotton swabs, cotton rounds and red acrylic paint. Based on my found objects, and help from my classmates, the name of this typeface is Pms Sans.
I started by creating the figures from new, clean cotton products. When adding the paint, the tampons would absorb it fairly well, but sometimes would not distort the way I wanted them to. 
The tampon material responded more when I added small amounts of water in addition to the red paint. The water helped make the figures more disturbing. 
Attaching each figure to black drawing paper made it easier to mask in photoshop.
This is an informal typeface best used for large displays. My goal was to be playful with the context of the found objects themselves; Check out my poster's description. 
pms sans: Type Specimen Poster

pms sans: Type Specimen Poster
