Joseph Dooling's profile


"LURKING IN DARKNESS" is the new digital music release from the New York Hardcore Band, UNDIVIDED. I designed this cover art for them. They simply asked for dark and evil imagery to match their music and the only thing they definitely did not want is anything with a lot of skulls, since they have gone that route before on previous albums. I listened to their rough mix of the songs a few times while doing some research and quickly developed this concept right away. I came up with a few other concepts anyway to be sure but this was the first idea that I came back around to, and this particular concept was heavily inspired by the lyrics in the last track, "Show Me The Light".
The concept is that a dark figure is pleading in a cathedral, begging for a sign from above... yet when the door opens in front of the dark figure, it is met with a sign from below instead. All members of the band loved my rough sketch and concept immediately so I began working on the final version.

This was primarily done in Photoshop, but I did use Adobe Illustrator for the "Lurking In Darkness" title text, I find Illustrator has more options for editing text so I generally do all text work in Illustrator and then bring it into Photoshop later.

In case you are curious to hear the music that inspired this, the official release is not out yet, but you can search for "Undivided Lurking In Darkness" for the pre-release, or go to the UndividedNY facebook page and click on the link there.


Cover Art for the NYHC Band, UNDIVIDED's new release, "LURKING IN DARKNESS".
