Bhutan, the country where success is measured by happiness, is just one hour away from my city if I fly there, yet there is such a big contrast in the culture and environment. 
The air is heavenly, it cleanses your body and your mind. The weather was quite gloomy when I went there but it gave me the opportunity to be an audience of the drama of the nature collaborated between the clouds and the mountains. Coming from a hot weathered country, I enjoyed every moment of being covered by the fog. 
I aimed to capture the gloominess and the playful clouds touching the mountains. When I was confronting the mountains I felt detached with the reality that combines of responsibilities, target goals, success, failure, dead lines, politics, and what not; I remember feeling extremely isolated in my mind but it was a good feeling, I felt more connected to the ultimate beauty of the world and life which was always created for us even before we existed. 
A Needful Solitude


A Needful Solitude

Photos I took when I went to Bhutam
