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The 10 best yoga exercises

The 10 best yoga exercises

In collaboration with Karine Larose, M.SC. Kinesiologist and director of communications of Nautilus plus,,
Main photo: Shutterstock

The positive effects associated with the practice of yoga exercises are undeniable: relaxation of tension, strengthening of muscles, increased flexibility, improved balance, posture and circulation ... Here are 10 really effective exercises that recommends Karine Larose, kinesiologist at Nautilus Plus, so that your body benefits from these benefits!

The boat

Starting position: sitting, knees bent in front of you, feet flat, arms on each side of the body.

Tilt the trunk back until it is inclined at about 45 degrees to the ground, extending arms in front of you. Contract the abdominals and slowly lift the feet by extending the legs and pointing the toes. The legs form a "V" with the body. Hold the pose time to take five to six deep breaths. Release.

The dolphin

Starting position: four-legged, knees lined up with hips, arms pulled in front of head, fists together, forearms resting on the ground, elbows bent 90 degrees, head aligned with upper body.

Using your forearms and toes, extend your legs by pushing the pelvis towards the ceiling. The arms are held in the starting position and the body forms an inverted V with the legs. Lower the head, push the chest in the direction of the feet to open the shoulders and press on the heels to lower them. Hold the pose time to take five to six deep breaths. Release.

The bow

Starting position: on the ground, on the belly, arm along the body, hands on the ground, legs bent at the knees, heels to the buttocks.

Contract the glutes to lift the upper body and legs. Catch the ankles with your hands and release the thighs from the floor to feel the stretch in the quadriceps and shoulders. Raise your head and set a straight stitch in front, so that the neck is aligned with your back. Hold the pose time to take five to six deep breaths. Release.

The sideboard

Starting position: sitting, elongated legs on the right side, the trunk slightly inclined to the left, the left hand resting on the ground aligned with the shoulder.

While contracting the abdominals, lift the pelvis by leaning on the outside of the left foot and unfolding the left arm. The trunk and the head in a straight line with the legs. Extend the right arm towards the ceiling so that it forms a straight line with the arm resting on the ground. Hold the pose time to take five to six deep breaths. Release, then return to the initial position. Repeat on the other side.

The modified camel

Starting position: kneeling, knees to the width of the pelvis, resting on the toes, straight trunk, arm along the body, head straight.

While contracting the gluts, tilt the shoulders and arch back to the back, lengthening the spine and reaching forwards. Push the pelvis and thighs forward and straighten the chest keeping the head in the extension of the column. Hold the pose time to take five to six deep breaths. Release, then return to the initial position by contracting the abdominals and pushing with the feet to straighten up.

The warrior 3

Starting position: standing, back straight, arms down.

Transfer the weight of the body to one leg, then raise the other leg backwards in line with the body and extend the arms in front of you at shoulder height. Stretch your leg by stretching it by the heel as if you were pushing a wall away from you. Toes point to the ground. Hold the pose time to take five to six deep breaths. Release, then return to the initial position. Repeat with the other leg.

Yoga squat

Starting position: upright, back straight, legs slightly wider than shoulders, feet slightly pointed outwards, arms along the body.

Join hands to the chest in a prayer position, then push the buttocks back and down, bending knees to squat. The elbows are placed inside the knees and exert a slight pressure on them. Hold the pose time to take five to six deep breaths. Release.

The dog head down

Starting position: four-legged, knees lined up with hips, hands resting on shoulder-width.

Using your hands and toes, extend your legs by pushing the pelvis towards the ceiling and your heels towards the floor. The arms are elongated and the body forms an inverted V. Depending on your flexibility, the heels will be more or less close to the ground. Hold the pose time to take five to six deep breaths. Release. This yoga style is best for health 

Bending forward with shoulder stretch

Starting position: standing, feet hip-width, arms along the body.

Bend the trunk forward with your knees slightly bent. Bring the chest and thighs together to stretch the lower back. The head is directed towards the ground in the extension of the spine. Grab your hands behind your back and move your arms away from your back to stretch your shoulders. Hold the pose time to take five to six deep breaths. Release.

The warrior 1

Starting position: standing, feet to the width of the pelvis, back straight and arms extended towards the ceiling.

Take a big step forward and bend the front leg until the knee forms a 90-degree angle. The back leg remains elongated and rests on the tip of the foot. Hold the pose time to take five to six deep breaths. Return to the initial position and repeat with the other leg.
The 10 best yoga exercises

The 10 best yoga exercises


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