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Proposed Concept Art for Abhivyakti City Art Project

Proposed Concept Art for Abhivyakti City Art Project 2018
As being a female I feel so strong about my existence but there are times when I feel very weak and vulnerable. But I do believe in one thing that “ Your thoughts become things” and thats why I strongly believe one day there will be a world where every woman will get what they truly deserves.
Here I have illustrated on few topics which are easily relatable to any women’s life because in life we all have gone through one or another things.

Wall - 1
1.Discriminaiton and Equality
I would like to start from my childhood. I feel everyone lives in their own bubble during their early age with shadows of their parents so I was . But as I grew up people around me were more concerned about my looks and my future as I was not so called “Rupadi” (fair) and “ Dekhavadi” (good looking) according to our society, I was also over weight but I was the topper of my school and used to win Best Student award almost every year but who cares? Because I was dark and fat. Often my achievements were neglected because of the way I looked and they used to give me advice of not going out in sun, putting turmeric mask and getting marry at early age because I will not get any boy to marry me. I still remember during my early childhood I never understood what they are advising me but in my teen age their unwanted advices and comments really caught place into my mind. Even though I was good at so many things I started doubting myself and also kind of hated myself. I clearly remember that day when closed relative of mine made such a harsh comment on me and I went to bathroom and cried my heart out. I wanted to scream and tell those everyone that “ God has made me this way”. But it stuck in my mind immediately.
“You are a girl you can not do this” is the most heard sentence by every girl because we live in a society where you cant go out its dark outside, you are a girl you should take biology, you cant drive bike, its too heavy, your brother is coming with you, you better learn all household stuff and get married at 18 as this education is not going to give you anything, talk politely you are a girl and many more are also such sentences which we often heard.
The colour and gender discriminations is the deeply rooted seeds in our society’s mind where everyone is just flowing towards one flow where there is discrimination. It has become the hurdle of women’s lives and it definitely pulls them backwards as society don’t allow them to reach for their dreams. Do we all know how it feels to have a life where you can’t do anything what you wish or want to do? It feels like a beautiful chain which has been tied up in your legs with tag of “Arey, ye apke life hi acha he because you are a girl” I want to ask each one of them who are they to decide whats good for me as being a girl and whats not? I want to raise my voice to each of those who still discriminate between genders and wan to tell them “ God made me this way and I am proud of being a woman”. I want to tell all women out there that “Be Woke” and ask for your equal rights and fulfil your dreams. Show some courage to this world and raise your voice because this people can’t decide our destiny and their unwanted advices must not affect us.

2. Save Girl child and Menstrual Taboo
It breaks my heart when a mother-in-law wants a Boy as a child from her daughter-in-law because how can she forget that herself is a “Female” and how does it feel to be the unwanted child in family?
If her parents would have thought the same and made her feel bad about her existence in this world how she would have react to it?
Its a shame for womanhood for having such thinking because I feel feminity must be celebrated and appreciated as it brings you in this world. Keeping a life inside of you for 9months is not an easy task for any women. We should accept it and welcome with open arms the birth of a girl child. Girls are equally capable to achieve and desire their goals and wishes. Girls have reached to the moon, time is changing and now it's high time to break all barriers and mentality which has taken numerous of lives just because being a girl. We live in India, we believe in Goddess in our culture, we worship them but still don’t want girl child. I pity those minds but at the same time its also makes me angry as people have such double standard mentality. Women are herself a warrior who gives birth to a child and also goes through menstrual cycle every month. I believe in never forgetting out roots and culture but some taboos in our society regarding menstrual encourages me to aware women around me to teach, guide and make them understand the real science of our body and break all these stereotypes taboos. We all are already aware of such taboos in society but we just blindly follow them and it is incorrect because before following anything we must understand the reason behind it. Women’s body behaves very differently
during those 5 days but I personally feel those 5 days we feel the inner strength of our existence in this world and the proud feeling of being a woman. Life of a woman is like a lotus, it lives in mud but never gets dirty. Its divine and pure even when women are having their periods because women are the ultimate idol of giving love, care and joy to everyone and her birth must be celebrated and our society must overcome taboos and should think logically with open mind and heart.

3. Before - After Marriage Reality
Every girl dream about their perfect marriage life. A dream of having a romantic life with husband and growing as a family together. First of all we live a world where still females are not allowed to choose their partner and they have to get marry at certain age. Is it fair enough to force or to put your decision on someone about marriage where you have to spend your whole life with another person? Do we women don’t have any rights to live for our dreams and fulfil our desires first and then choose to marry with our own choice of partner. I see lots of women are being beaten to death for choosing their partner or killing their desires of becoming something and forced to marriage. In all these scenario only women have to suffer. Why? Do we really deserve this? Aren’t we allowed to chase our dreams and taste the freedom of being independent and or choosing our partner for lifetime?
I feel we all deserve to be loved and love is the solution for everything. But we live in a world where still girls are considered as a “Burden” and the family of male wishes to take dowery from female’s family. Is money that important? More important than a characteristics of women? It is not enough that a women devotes her whole life for her family. I have seen girls are being rejected just because their parents are not able to give them dowery. Why these people expect from others? Why can’t you make you “Son” eligible enough to earn good amount of money for your family. What kind of greed is this which makes life of a female parents worst? Even after sacrificing many things girls get married and still goes through some undesirable incidents. Such as, domestic violence, her husband having extra marital affair and many times the demand of asking dowery even after marriage. Marriage is the divine relation between two people who brings both family together but greed and lack of good character in partner creates such bizarres in women’s life. Its sad and makes me wonder when women even after going through a lot of things choose to remain silent with the respect of their relation called “Marriage”. But I strongly believe you must get up and raise your voice to get your rights and positions. “We must take stand for ourself”. The
amount of selfless love and wishes a women gives up just for her family must not be neglected and disrespected like this because “Women deserves to be respected and loved”.

Wall - 2 ( Wall of Happiness )
Be You - In life there are times when we are not satisfied with ourself. Sometimes others judgements about us matters us more than our own comforts and we end up becoming like someone else which we are not and we can not be like anyone else because “We all are unique” Imitating or copying someone will give you temporary happiness but “Real happiness is being comfortable in you are own skin” because God has made you unique this way so just “ Be Yourself”.
You Only Live Once - I personally believe being independent allows you to be free and wander. If once you taste the freedom of living “YOUR” life, I am sure you just want to live every moment of your life to the fullest.
3. Love is Love - We all know about Section 377 and I firmly believe we all are allowed to love whomsoever we want. Love is Love, it sees no colour, religion and GENDER.
4. Gratefulness - I strongly believe we must be very grateful everyday because we have this wonderful life as a woman and appreciating what we have is the only thanks we can give back to universe.
5. Unity ( Togetherness ) - We must support and stand for each other in life because in togetherness we are more powerful.
Wall - 3 ( Mirror Wall )
Taking a birth as a woman in this world is a such bliss and it comes with power. We all have that inner magical power which makes us unique and strong as woman. There will be times when we may loose ourselves and hopes but giving that fight back and coming back to life with strong existence of yours is the ultimate blessing of being woman. Because “we are strong nothing can break us”.

So, professionally I am a freelance interior designer and eventually I came with the idea of having a wall and furnitures and hanging paintings.

Wall-1 will be having 3 illustrations with the topic of 1. Discrimination and equality 2. Save Girl child and Menstrual Taboo 3. Before-After marriage reality.

Wall-2 Wall of Happiness
As all the wall frames I have describes above and there will be also two pieces of furniture. One will be chair or sofa and second will be coffee table.
Chair or Sofa - Moh - Maya Jal
This represents the old age time of a woman when her skin has wrinkled, her hairs tuned into grey, she cant move her body properly but still she is connected to her loved once. As time goes her love and care for others gets even more deep. It becomes difficult for her to live her few days of life without attachment because she has given her whole life to all these people.
If its a chair I will paint my illustration on it or if its side then we can get digital print of illustration and get it upholster.
Coffee Table - #metoo
Recently we all have witnessed the wave of me too movement. It saddens my heart to hear out so many incidents which has happened with women. Women deserves respect, love but not the darkness of harassment or abuse. They are not shame or burden if it's happened with them. They do not become impure. They do not need to hide because of the fear of society. We must accept, support, stand with them and take right actions against culprits. Its high time to live with the fear of being ashamed by society but it's time to live up for your rights
and make a loud noise against it so that no one can ever dare to do it again with any women. We deserve to live safely and fearlessly in this world.
For coffee table I will paint the top of it.

Wall-3 Mirror Wall
So I wanted to create an interaction wall with audience so thought of having illustration on wall and put mirror in it. As we all know nowadays people are very much into taking selfies and they love to take selfies when there is a mirror. Also, they are very much active on social media platforms. Also, having mirror on this wall with illustration represents “The strength of the existence of womanhood” where everyone can see into mirror and feel the same strength for themselves. So, a space where people take selfies and connect to art and upload it to various platforms.
Proposed Concept Art for Abhivyakti City Art Project

Proposed Concept Art for Abhivyakti City Art Project
