Martin Lothe Sæterdal's profileHyper Oslo's profile


For more than four decades, Grete Roede has contributed to improve the health of the Norwegian people. Her experience and knowledge about nutrition and exercise has transformed lives and helped create and maintain a healthy, more sustainable lifestyle. Hyper was contacted to help continue, and expand, the legacy of Grete Roede in a digital age.

Grete Roede is a leading expert on nutrition and highly regarded by the Norwegian directory of health. Her brand, however, had problems staying relevant and connecting with a younger target audience. Some aspect of the brand felt out of date, urging the need to improve digital experience. Together with the client we worked on enhancing the brand experience, mainly through a digital strategy and a new over-all identity. ​​​​​​​
Grete Roede wants to be viewed as the best and most serious alternative in a category where random fads pop up on a monthly basis. We wanted to go from diet queen to sustainable lifestyle mentor. From a feminine brand to gender neutral, and from focus on weight loss to focus on the positive gains of reaching your goals. And at the same time stay true to the methodology that has worked for 44 years. Keep what’s worth keeping - change everything else.

The first thing we changed was the name. Grete Roede became Roede. Enough to signal change, without losing the strong link to our history and experience. The new name also makes it easier to connect to the male target audience.
Personalization and longevity
The new logo operates along two lines. The basic state is a straight green line with typography, symbolizing stability and longevity. It’s dynamic state represents the junction between theory and practice, where different people with different preferences, interacting with the same brand, expect different results. This state represents how Roede tailors its services to cater to the individual. 

The dynamic state makes the brand come to life on digital surfaces, and opens up for animation and interaction.

Based on the new identity we also developed a new communication concept with the pay-off “Nye vaner som varer”(“New habits that last”). Roede is the serious alternative you seek out when you want permanent changes and a sustainable, healthy lifestyle.
Digital experience
The new Roede app gives you easy access to Roede’s experience and top tips wherever you are. Food registration, logging of nutrition, training tips, feedback and inspiration; it can all now easily be personalized and tailored to individual preferences. The app tracks your progress and holds the inspiration needed to keep with the program. It can be used as an add-on to existing courses, improving the experience, and collecting data on the progress. The app helps increase the potential target audience for Roede, appealing to people that might be interested in the app’s tools, but not the specific courses.

We also helped Roede create a campaign to launch the app and communicate the new identity. The aim was to sell more courses, and get customers to download the app. It consisted of various films and digital advertisement for social media channels, and the Aller-universe (DB, KK og Se og Hør).

