The Coffee House Mid-autumn Mooncake 19

The Coffee House mid-autumn mooncake 19
This is the second year that The Coffee House produced their own Mid-autumn mooncake in Vietnam market. Following the big launch of last year, the technology-ish with AR animated  on package. This year package is presented with a hand-crafted appealing city landscape at night with sky lanterns.
Client: The Coffee House
Creative Direction: Vuong Nguyen
Art Director: Vuong Nguyen
Designer: Vuong Nguyen, Kai
Illustrator: TREE Studios, Duong Hoang, Tram Anh
Project Manager: Kei Nguyen
Assistant: Minh Hoang
Model: Kei Nguyen
Photographer: Vuong Nguyen, Graya Tieu

We used stamping foil printing at certain area, graphic or pattern to stimulate the moon light's halo that shine over things during full moon night and enhancing the premium look of the package which is mainly using as a special gift for the festival.
Special thanks to people that contribute to the project, from brand team, printer, mooncake maker, and also shippers who tirelessly deliver the happiness to customers.

 🙌 Thanks for watching 👀

The Coffee House Mid-autumn Mooncake 19