Braintrust Creative's profile

CEDIA Expo - Animation, Video, Event Production

Event Production  /  Motion Graphics  /  Videography
Expanding the influence of a smart tech expo beyond the event's duration.

Innovations in home tech have the power to change the world—but most people have no idea. Can we take the influence of a five-day trade expo and spread the news of exciting tech to the world? Can we show the regular consumer who might not attend the expo that the smart home isn't something of the future anymore—it's our current reality?

Full-fledged media production for Cedia Expo—video support, content and stage management, live streams, and media capture—before, during, and after the event. The energy, excitement, and innovation of the event were captured in videos, animations, and audio (among more), and the world got a clearer look at how the smart home industry is changing the world.

Promotional Videos

Before the event, we produced five animated promotional videos to drive attendance. Two of the five are shown here.
Smart Stage Design

Braintrust projection mapped the wall behind the expo's panel speakers on their Smart Stage. The wall, unlike the usual flat-surfaced walls you'd see in any building, had several pieces of varying sizes and depths, which we used to their full creative potential by mapping different images to each surface.
Event Recap VIdeo

During the event, we captured b-roll, session, and interview footage. We then edited it all together on-site into an event recap video to show at the end of the expo.

Client: CEDIA
Agency: Braintrust Creative

Art Director: Drew Kimball
Event Producers: Drew Kimball & Lauren Scharfenberg
Motion Graphics Artist: Drew Kimball
Graphic Designer: Edward Sun
Project & Account Manager: Lauren Scharfenberg
CEDIA Expo - Animation, Video, Event Production


CEDIA Expo - Animation, Video, Event Production

Full-fledged media production for Cedia Expo—video support, content and stage management, live streams, and media capture—before, during, and aft Read More
