Livy Hoskins's profile

Proverbia Identity Suite

Proverbia is a proverb education, conservation, and collection group. Part of their mission is to show the general public that proverbs are not a thing of the past but a very active part of our present. The logo, a combination of Univers and New Century Schoolbook is meant to show this fusion of past and present.
The collage is meant to showcase the iherent quirkiness of proverbs. The shapes emphasize the educational nature of the group and the diagonal lines are meant to represent movement through time as well as the active nature of proverbs, even today.
"Proverbs are the children of experience" is the main tagline I used throughout the identity. And, of course, it is a proverb itself.
Proverbia Identity Suite

Proverbia Identity Suite

Proverbia is a proverb education, conservation, and collection group. Part of their mission is to show the general public that proverbs are not a Read More


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