Smart Energy Integrated Solutions or 6CO is an efficiency company located in Mexico City mainly focused on the restaurant sector. It is responsible for achieving better consumption and efficiency numbers from natural resources.

6CO was in need for a serious image that represented the main values ​​of the company. By choosing a characteristic color that separated them from its competitors, most of them making reference to the ecological brand in green colors.

At the time of developing the project, the acronym of the company Smart Energy Integrated Solutions ("seis", six in Spanish) was used to create the logo in a numerical way, the color palette is sober using shades of gray as a base with high contrasts in bright orange. This color combination reflects a perfect balance between the technological style and seriousness of the company, standing out from their competitors.

"Energy efficiency doesn´t always have to be green."
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Inquiries:  hola@posterr.mx
Visit our website:  www.posterr.mx


Brand identity for 6CO. 6CO was in need for a serious image that represented the main values ​​of the company. By choosing a characteristic colo Read More
