Viral Shah's profile

Recent Vue works

Made it using VUE 10 and some post work in PS. After lot of crashes and all i completed rendering . Well the text was made as a rock it was hard to make them as there were many trial and errors. It was made with metablob with a complex sedimentary function and some displacement.
Who don't want to live in place like this to come here and enjoy the vacation with the love one. A place away from all the city noise and pollution and just relaxing and letting the stress out and spend the alone time with the love. 

Software used:- Vue 10,Photoshop
Render time:- 7 hours
Render size:- 4000*2250
Taking a short break from cinema 4d and maya learning and made this to fresh my mind.
Vue 10
Render time of:- 5 hours.
Software used:- VUE 10, World Machine and PS for post work.
Well its a planet i call Viralion its located far away and lets see if we can find any life on that planet in future.
Was made with terrian fractal combined with a strata filter and a fast pernil noise fractal. And than terrian was brought into world machine and there i did erosion and got flow and other maps and back in vue again.
Its called rocky cloudy peak these are mountains which are rocky. Made this with with 2 terrians and with function editor its complex and hard but i am getting used 
to it as i suck at sculpting mountains and they don't give real touch. Two terrians were made using terrian fractal and rocky mountain filter and hence it has that strong and sharp peak like a knife and than exported terrian in World Machine and added erosin and clamp and other nodes to give more realistic look. And hence u can see those snow coming down on slope its magic of WM which i love using. And clouds are thick cumulus but have very high variation in between 600 to 900.
Render time 3.5 hours and added DOF and other things in PS.
Recent Vue works

Recent Vue works

Recent works created in Vue 10
