This is some experiment I tried. It is based on the glitch-effect.
A glitch is basically a mistake made by the machine in reading a given data.
I played along with many procedures (e. g. using Audacity on a Photoshop Raw, applying audio effects to it), but then I found the most efficient one: altering the images by using a text editing program.
This is where this little project starts: I took some images of movies that meant something to me during the years and added randomly in their code (with a text editor) a sample of five words, the firsts that popped in my mind thinking of that movie.
The result is ALWAYS unpredictable. Whatever you do with the code, even adding or removing a single glyph, affects somehow the image and it's impossible to foresee what happens exactly.
I found this random factor very interesting: I'm always used to control every single aspect of what I'm doing, and creating something completely unpredictable is, to me, an amusing contradiction.
This process breaks the normal concept of an image: the image is not anymore something that is directly created and touched by man. On the computer it is just a stream of data, just like anything else. So, there are many unexplored ways of manipulating it.
In the next step, I will try to apply the same process to some personal photographs shot with an analogic camera. I will try to explore what is the relation between reality, its reproduction on paper, its tranformation into data and its manipulation through software: what remains and what changes.
Anyway, here you can find some examples of the results I gathered:
Woody Allen, Annie Hall
                                                   Woody Allen, Annie Hall
                          Woody Allen, Annie Hall
                         Tim Burton, Big Fish
Tim Burton, Big Fish
Stanley Kubrick, The Shining
Sam Mendes, American Beauty
Nick Park, A Grand Day Out
Quentin Tarantino, Kill Bill Vol. 2
Fritz Lang, M
Woody Allen, Match Point
Woody Allen, Midnight In Paris
David Lynch, Mulholland Dr.
Woody Allen, Vicky Cristina Barcelona
          Woody Allen, Whatever Works
Woody Allen, Whatever Works
Victor Fleming, The Wizard Of Oz
             Ethan Coen, Joel Coen, The Big Lebowski
Movie Glitch

Movie Glitch

An experiment with the Glitch Effect: images altered unpredictably
