CC2221: Digital Arts and Design
(Design a PSA Post)

Issue: Deforestation (the removal of a forest).

Forests occupy 31 percent of the earth’s land area. They are wildlife habitat, and 1.6 billion people, primarily depend on forests for food, water, traditional medicine and other secondary benefits, like shelter, tourism, construction, and others according the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). However, some 36 football fields of forests are hacked, burned, and destroyed every minute. With each forest clearing, we lose about 135 species of animals, plants, and insects a day.
Made using Adobe Photoshop CS6.
"Without habitats, animals would move in with man."
Anthony T.Hincks 

Deforestation is not good for life on the earth, don't practice it.
1. The apes represents the wildlife/animals.
2. The apes lend a helping hand to the others. They need to migrate and find a new home.
3. The corporate/business people doesn't care about the wildlife as they are only in it for the money/profit. 

Reasons for deforestation:
1. Agricultural Expansion
2. Livestock Ranching
3. Logging
4. Infrastructure Expansion
5. Overpopulation

Deforestation accelerates global warming. According to the Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO), trees are 50 percent carbon, so when they are felled or burned, the carbon dioxide (CO2) they store escapes back to the atmosphere. An estimated 15 percent of all greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide are as a result of deforestation according to the World Wide Fund for Nature. Forests acts as vital carbon sink as they absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere which contributes to climate change.

If deforestation is neglected, the loss of trees and other vegetation can cause climate change, soil erosion, flooding, fewer crops, accelerates global warming and loss of home for animals.

Ways to stop deforestation:
1. Plant a tree.
2. Go paperless or use paper wisely. We can save trees from being cut down by using less paper.
3. Recycle and buy recycled products.
4. Eat vegetarian meals as often as possible.
Design Process
After I have the idea for my post, I Google searched for the images that I need as shown in the image above such as burning/cleared forests, tractors, excavators, group of working people and the apes. The apes that I used was from the film "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes", and the reason why is because the main character known as Caesar, is the charismatic and kind leader of the apes community. So people can also interpret the image as him uniting the animals to stand up against the humans for destroying their home.
The image above shows the Original product and the Final product of my image post. At first, I added a lot more humans and machineries in the background with the title on top "Rise of the Planet of the Apes", however, in order to be minimal, I just edited a few group of workers and one visible excavator (including 2 barely visible machineries on the left side) which is enough to show the message.

In order to blend the characters and machines with the environment, I used Blending Options on the different layers to make it look more realistic.

Wan Azizi bin Wan Ali (B20181161)
Bsc. in Digital Media

