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Póster sobre una investigación sobre las infografías

Este es el Póster realizado para presentar el Trabajo Final de Máster (TFM) del Máster Universitario en Innovación e Investigación en Educación de la UNED.

A continuación el abstract del proyecto:

INTRODUCTION. The emergence of new technologies has meant a revolution
whose consequences are still difficult to predict. In the case of education and science,
traditional models have been displaced by new ways of teaching, learning, research and
communication. One of the new tools that has gained strength in recent years has been
infographics. METHOD. The objective of this study is to know the degree of acceptance
of infographics as a complement to the scientific article. Through the ad hoc design of a
Likert scale survey, the opinion of 43 researchers who have published in the journal
NAER Journal, which offers among its services the visualization of the article in its
infographic format, has been collected. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. The main results
of the investigation confirm that the respondents value this service very positively and
are satisfied with the infographic they have obtained. However, the lack of technical
competence and time of the subjects causes that this resource is not used. This problem
makes us think about the suitability of the creation of graphic departments by the
universities and scientific journals that facilitate this type of service to the researcher as
those that are currently part of the newspapers
Póster sobre una investigación sobre las infografías