slipCASE was a project that had its attention focus more on the physical object and later connect those details to its site.  The piece was meant to be more sculptural rather than interactive.  The process began with a full examination of the book received.  An abozzo was created to start the excavation process. Once accrementition led me to an ambiguous state, the patterns had to be connected.  The final step was to agglomerate the rest of the allotment together.  

The overall goal was to create a piece that drew the creator in.  It could have been flashy, complex, or even structural.  No true boundaries were held above.  As a whole, the piece was meant to represent what was held within the pages.  This was accomplished however it felt fit.  


slipCASE is an art piece carved out from within the pages of a book that expresses its contents from its tremors.
