July Rodriguez's profile

Five Places to Remember

Five Places to Remember ©​​​​​​​
A video installation by

Five Places to Remember is a five-channel video installation shot on location in five cities worldwide by filmmaker Pedro Lacerda. It visually and spatially transforms the electroacoustic compositions of musician Fernando Iazzetta, turning an acoustic journey through the five cities into an installation composed of five projected canvases and multi-channel audio. 

The analogy between urban space and music is manifested visually, mapping musical representation under the geometric landscapes and architecture of the cities to immerse the viewer in a synesthetic experience. Five Places to Remember embodies the visuality of the music and the musicality of the city.

I was in charge of the catalogue of the exposition. The following are some samples.

Five Places to Remember ©
Photos and art by Pedro Lacerda.
All rights reserved.

Five Places to Remember


Five Places to Remember
