Carly O.'s profile

Norse Mythology Collector's Series

Student Work.

Disclaimer: This is purely student work done for a course at California State University Long Beach, and was not created for profit or to rival the original works by the original authors.
This project was completed as part of an experimental design course where the task was to create a book series from three separate publications by three separate authors. Using my love of Norse Mythology as an inspiration I pulled three books that fell under that category and branded them as a "Collector's Series". 

By focusing on three of the main races most popular in Norse Mythology and Norse creation stories, I used the scale of the books themselves as a method of representation. The photography is equally relevant as it relates to the relative height of giant, man, and dwarf and what the world looks like from the eyes of each of these. The typography includes secondary structures inspired by old Norse runes. To juxtapose the time periods referenced in the book bright, bold colors were used. 

This series is intended to be a coffee table book series that is eye catching and can serve as a conversational piece, which it has on several occasions due to the volume of "The Giant" alone.
Norse Mythology Collector's Series

Norse Mythology Collector's Series

Book cover series done for an experimental design class.
