Sirui Li's profile

Static websites

My homepage
This is my personal homepage, which is basically a static page. The page is hand coded with a responsive grid, custom fonts, and plenty of icons and links.
A screenshot of my homepage.
Redesign in a day
With the opening of the 9th CCC competition in HKU, the old website needed an urgent redesign. Within a day, we cleaned up the logotype and color scheme, rearrange the content and styles, while making as little change to the website as possible.
A big thanks to Xi Yang, who implemented the new design.
A screenshot of CCC2013 website.
Course page for CSIS0404
A course page is usually informative and heavily used by the students during the semesters. Therefore, clarity is the most important consideration.
A screenshot of CSIS0404 course page
Static websites

Static websites

Several very simple static web site designs
