This is my final project for my Illustration IV Raster class. The three panels were done in Photoshop using a tablet; I started by creating shapes that I wanted with the pen tool and then used that shape as a mask (much like in air brushing) to only shade and color what I wanted. Since these REAL bugs seem UNREAL I decided to put them in a fantasy-like scene. 
Project as a whole 45 inches wide by 16 inches tall. These illustrations are based
on real bugs! One is the Devil's Praying Mantis and the other is a Skull Caterpillar.
The following images display close ups of each of the panels to show more detail.  
10 inches x 16 inches Devil's Praying Mantis 
25 inches x 16 inches 
10 inches x 16 inches Skull Caterpillar
Insect Rivalry

Insect Rivalry

Final project for a Raster Illustration class.
