Luminous Design's profile

Placebo Pharmacy Branding

Branding___ 2019
Placebo Pharmacy ©

An optical illusion for an iconic design.

Our studio was entrusted with the design of the visual identity of Placebo, an iconic, circular pharmacy in Athens, Greece. Not only the internationally awarded and renown architectural solution itself but the use of natural light through the perforated metal facade, create warm emotions and a sense of wellness to the visitors. The logotype design is used holistically, combining the shape of the circle drawn from the architectural element and the name of the pharmacy store, which is a way of autosuggestion (placebo effect). The circular form of the building is being translated through typography, creating an optical illusion of the pharmacy’s circular shape. The brand applications amplify the use of white color that is already overpowering inside the space, while the use of different materials and textures create a sense of kind treatment and well-being.  The design complies to the dual nature of the brand; it offers the services of a pharmacy store, operating at the same time as a boutique store with a mosaic of unique products.

Athens _______ Greece

Placebo Pharmacy Branding

Placebo Pharmacy Branding
