Genie Espinosa's profile

Einstein-Rosen bridge comic

Here's the comic spread I did for the Gràfica Radiant section of the catalan newspaper Diari Ara. 
I had so much fun doing this, it was a bit difficult for me to find the right way to do it.
An Einstein-Rosen bridge is the technical name for a worm hole, it is a conceps i am developing for the graphic novel I am working on (publishing date: 2020). I wanted to express al the emotions you can cross by when life gets hard and it's a struggle just to keep running, or even walking.
The woman in this illustration suddenly found herself immerse in a tunnel where she expresses her emotions freely, just to get out, wipe her tears and keep running.
It is very close to a bit of my most recent life.
Title: Einstein-Rosen bridge
Tool: Adobe Photoshop

Digital image:
Newspaper quality close up:
Yours truly, holding my baby:
Einstein-Rosen bridge comic


Einstein-Rosen bridge comic

illustration comic page in the spanish newspaper Diari Ara about the worm holes and the feelings that bring you being inside one
